Main Line Reroute – North High School

Main Line Reroute – North High School

Main Line Reroute – North High School Spring and Summer 2023- 1100’ of mainline sanitary sewer was rerouted around the existing High School in order to abandon an existing line running through the property and freeing the space for a new addition. The entire run...
Tommy Car Wash

Tommy Car Wash

Tommy Car Wash Having great trade partners makes all the difference. We have successfully installed utilities for 5 Tommy Car Wash locations since 2021. The scopes of work include water mains, sewer mains, service lines and storm management...
Union Stadium Village

Union Stadium Village

Union Stadium Village Spring 2023- New water and sanitary services, as well as a stormwater filter system, for apartments in the busy University of Minnesota Campus area. These apartments allow for additional student and staff housing near the Campus and all that the...